Human Centered Design For Global Health

Facilitator for MICA Social Design’s 2-Day Design Thinking Workshop

Mika Panday
2 min readDec 27, 2018

“Lack of access to sanitation and poor hygiene contribute to approximately 88% of childhood deaths caused by diarrheal diseases”₁ — yet it only takes washing your hands with soap and water to eliminate the world’s hygienic problems.

Role: Strategist & Facilitator

Proposed Solution

In partnership with Johns Hopkins Hospital, the MICA Social Design Studio design a 2-day Human-Centered Design Boot Camp. Over 200 public health attendees from all over the world traveled to Baltimore.


Considering that our team convinced middle-aged professionals to use play dough as a tool to solve a public health crisis, it’s a success. “Design-Thinking” at the time was an emerging methodology to established organizations. Our aim was to put theory into practice in order for these professionals to build value from their own organizations.

  1. Cirera, J. R. (n.d.). Globally, 4 out of 5 people do not wash hands after using the bathroom | WaterAid US. Retrieved October 11, 2018, from

